The God Who Sees You - Blog

Dear Ones,
With everything that is going on in our world today, it is easy to look around in our own lives, jobs, homes, and even relationships and feel very small and insignificant, but I want you to know how very special you are in the eyes of your Father. Never in History has there been a time like we are living in today. In fact, people in all Countries are living in so much fear and anxiety that they are literally in survival mode. I wonder if it is possible for the entire world to have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome)? So many people are lost and lonely. Many are thinking it can't get any worse, can it? Sadly, beloved, I have told you that the answer is yes. Although this particular writing will not have articles or political video links in it if you go back and read my previous letters, I do share things to come or things to watch for. So, continue to do so because we are not done yet and God is still working in supernatural power behind the scenes to rescue His people in every Country. Soon and very soon the things He is doing will be made visible and you won't be wondering anymore.

You see friends, God doesn't work on our timeline (He works out of time, in fact, He created time and is not limited by it at all). God works on his own calendar which is a calendar of events (i.e. the red sea parting in Moses' day to save His people, Noah's Ark was yet another event to start over without the wicked who except for Noah and his family had overtaken the earth and was dealt with by a flood that covered the entire earth and then there is the hanging of Haman who built Gallows to kill Mordecai while he planned to kill all the Jewish people, but God turned it all on Haman and used that same Gallows for Haman instead to once again save His people)

A jaw-dropping event is planned and has been since the beginning of time. Nothing that is happening today has been hidden from Him. He is the Great I Am, the Alpha and the Omega, the Almighty God, and yes even your Abba Father. So many are devastated by the things that are happening around them. I am so grateful that God has given me such peace about the storms that rage against us almost daily, but WOW when I read the scripture below, the Lord really spoke to me personally and I believe what He said to me could possibly help you as well, so I hope you don't mind my sharing with you today.

Genesis 16:13 NIV She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen[a] the One who sees me.”
In this writing, I hope to help you to understand that God is so personal that He truly wants to speak to you individually about your family, health, job, business, marriage, relationships, and even finances. His Word tells us that His sheep hear His voice and the voice of another they will not follow so I hope that you will be encouraged and helped in some way. 

Many know the story of Abraham and Sarah. God speaks to Abraham telling him to get away from his Country and his kindred and go to a place that I will show you. (On a side note: Abraham's father was an idol worshipper and so God wanted to use Him to be the father of many Nations, therefore He told him to move because He needed him to get away from his nutty idol-worshipping family so that He could build a relationship with Abraham, and he could choose to worship Him instead of Idols). God makes a promise to Abraham who has no children. He tells him that He will make him a father of many nations. A little hard to believe when you are already up there in age and your wife is barren... lol, but the Bible tells us that Abraham believed Him. When was the last time you believed for something that was truly impossible?

Fast forward 10 years and Sarah is still barren, so she decides they have to bring God's word to pass themselves. Sarah tells Abraham to go sleep with her servant Hagar hoping that Hagar will give them a child. Insert loud buzzer here {$#@^%&$#} If you are wondering why the symbols. I did that randomly to say that is my buzzer. So go back and read that again using that as a buzzer... lol No, I am not cursing. I simply didn't know how to add a buzzer to this e-mail...  Bad idea Sarah, but of course, her husband does what she says, and Hagar conceives. Well, our plans never seem to go as we'd hoped. Hagar was not giving the child to Sarah. She named him Ishmael, raised him herself and Abraham loved him, but of course, Sarah was very unhappy. Her plan bit her in the hiney as often happens when we get ahead of God. By the way, if you ever hear a Christian say, 'I don't want to pull an Ishmael' this story is where it comes from. Meaning 'Getting ahead of God or doing something God did not tell you to do'. Sarah had several years to watch Abraham playing with his son knowing that it was not the promise God had for them. She created a mess that Abraham went along with. This story in itself should be a warning to us all that we can't always go with what our spouse says... lol We are to listen to the Lord. 

Fast forward another several years and God sends an Angel to remind Abraham and Sarah of what He'd already told them. Sarah conceives and when Abraham is 100 years old Isaac (the promised son) is born. One day Sarah is watching outside the tent and sees Ishmael making fun of her son Isaac. In today's nutball society we'd probably brush it off as teenage bullying, but she decided immediately she wasn't going to put up with it. She goes to Abraham and tells him to cast out Hagar and Ismael because she is not going to allow her son to be raised alongside Ishmael. Interestingly God agrees with Sarah (What? Yep, you read that right) He too tells Abraham to move Hagar and Ishmael on but promises to care for Ishmael and make of Him a great Nation. Ok, so I admit I have mentioned this to the Lord many times.... lol "Umm Lord, many of the problems we've had throughout history could have been thwarted if there were no Ishmael.", but the truth is He is God, and I am not. He doesn't really ask me for advice before He handles such matters... LOL

However, the one thing to see here is while Hagar and Ishmael are wandering around in the desert not knowing what to do the Angel of the Lord shows up and says, 'I have heard the boy crying and I will take care of you both. I will make of your son a great Nation.' What an experience. One minute you are thrown out of the only place you've known. A place where you were taken care of, fed, and had a roof over your head to next finding that you are wandering around aimlessly and don't even know what to do, where to go or how you will take care of your child. Next, you are having an Angel appear and tell you something you couldn't have even imagined. God truly sees me. God truly cares about me personally. God will show me the way and provide for me and my child. 

Amazing! Tremendous! Awesome! Glorious! Wonderful! 

After Hagar's experience, she says, you are the God who sees me. Hagar understood something that we sometimes miss. God is a personal God. He loves you. He will help you. He wants to take care of and provide for you. God sees you beloved. The Word tells us that He is easily touched by the feelings of our infirmities, so I encourage you to believe nothing less.  

He knows the stress and pressure you are under. He knows what happened in your life yesterday and your fears about tomorrow. He knows your health and your finances, and He wants you to put it all in His hands. He is the God who sees you. I personally have a very long prayer list... lol Many are for my rightful President, many are for the Nations, but many are specifically for my family, extended family as well as friends. It is several pages long and I wrote it all out at the beginning of 2022 where I then taped it to my cross wall, (picture included as an attachment in case you're wondering what in the world a cross wall To be honest, only one thing had come to pass in all these months, but I was not moved and then #2 came to pass within the last week. Woo Hoo! Destinee had a doctor's appointment, and I received a call saying she no longer had to take medication for pre-diabetes because all of her blood work came back perfect. They didn't just do her A1C and say she's doing pretty good, keep it up. No, they literally said she no longer has to take any meds because we are not concerned any longer about diabetes with her. This turnaround had been part of my prayer for her so now I do have two things marked off my list. Woo Hoo Jesus! No matter how long it takes to bring things to pass my God is faithful. Praying, believing, and then waiting for the fulfillment is faith.

My point is no matter how long my list is God is well-able. We do not look at the things that are seen, but at the things that are unseen. Without faith, the Bible tells us it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God. Anyone who knows me also knows I want to please God. Just as He was for Hagar, He is for you and me. Just as He saw her trial and sent an Angel to help her, He will also send help for you. Not only did he help her, but He also spoke into her future saying He would make of her son a great Nation. Isn't that what the prophets are doing for us today? He may not have sent an Angel to you, but He has been faithful to send the prophets to build our faith that He is not done with us, America, Israel, or countless other Nations of the world. He wants to encourage you and give you faith for more than you've already experienced in this life. The prophets are trying to tell us of the things the Lord has coming for us right around the corner if we can believe for it.

I prophesy over you right now beloved.
You are healed in Jesus' name.
You are made whole in Jesus' name.
You are at peace and loved by many.
You are prospering even as your soul prospers. In fact, your finances are coming into alignment with what God wants for you and not what you have created for yourself or what others have spoken over you.
He will give you beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning.
You are triumphant in Him, and you have the Victory.
If you believe Him for it the Lord will bless you and enlarge your territory. 
He will keep you from evil and give His Angels charge over you so that they hold you up in their hands and you won't even dash your foot against a stone.
And finally beloved I pray that God would show Himself to you. That He would give you dreams and visions and show you things that you do not know. 
May He give you wisdom beyond your years and a love for His son, His sacrifice, and His Word.
In Jesus name.

There are far too many fabulous scriptures that tell us how God loves us personally, wants a relationship with us (not religion), and wants to be good to us. I will leave you with a few trusting that you will personalize them daily. He not only loves you beloved, but your Heavenly Father also sees you.

Scripture References:

3rd John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 

Isaiah 49:13 Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.

Luke 12:7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Psalm 56:8 You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.
I want to close today by sharing a TV Series with you called 'The Chosen'. If I already have, I do apologize, but with new subscribers, I felt to share it again. I received season 1 for Christmas a few years back and I honestly thought I wasn't going to like it, but I gave it a try, and WOW, not only did I love seasons 1 and 2, but Jerry and I sowed money into the making of Season 3 which will release very soon. It is not Hollywood-funded. It is crowdfunded, but with great actors, and the Director was kicked out of Hollywood so I really like, It really personalizes Jesus, and it looks like a big-budget production which means crowdfunding works. So many see Jesus as God in the flesh, which is true, but he lived on earth as a man. He walked everywhere; He experienced grief like no one else ever (before the cross). The pain He suffered before and on the cross was more than you or I could ever bare. He ate, He slept, He cried (at Lazarus' tomb). He was betrayed and yet loved anyway. His own brothers rejected Him and although He did miracles that the Bible tells us could not even be written down because there were so many, He was not able to do the miracles that He wanted to in His own hometown simply because they saw Him as Joseph's son and not the Son of God. They refused to believe and therefore they got exactly NOTHING. Don't set yourself up to receive nothing because you chose not to believe Him and what He is saying now. We are living in a season like no other. Believe for something like you never have before. It would break my heart to see you receive nothing especially since I spend time praying for each of you.
If you have a ROKU or a Firestick you simply download the app called Angel and the series is free. Why? Because this is their way of Going into all the world to preach the good news. As I said previously it is crowd funded which means people like Jerry and me who sow into it are not only paying for the actors, locations, props, period clothing, food, etc..., but are also paying it forward so that you can see it for free. Check out this link. It will help you find 'The Chosen' Pay It Forward | The Chosen ( Watch it on your phone, computer, or TV. I know you will love it. I'm so excited for season 3 to start. Please let me know if you watch it.
In His Image,
Sheryl York


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