The Terror of You - Blog

 A while back as I was watching one of Julie Green's prophecies, she mentioned something that has really stayed with me. I often have to take things to the Lord to see if it is simply something He is telling me or something that He wants me to share with others. This morning it came back up again, and I felt it was time to share it with you as well. Now normally I use an NIV Bible (New International Version), but the verses I will be sharing from are in the AMPC (Amplified Classic). For those who feel they can't read the Amplified, I hope you will re-think this. People that truly study the Word of God use a concordance which opens up the language of Greek and Hebrew to give a better understanding. The Amplified simply gives you the most important references and/or word changes that the concordance would give you. It opens things up for you to understand it even better without feeling you need a huge concordance all the time.

The scriptures I will use today are found in Joshua 2. This is set about 40 years after the Exodus when Moses took the children of Israel out of Egypt through the Red Sea and since Moses has now passed away God has chosen Joshua to lead His people into the promised land. Many never saw the promised land because they either rebelled and worshipped other gods or grumbled and complained constantly in unbelief and the Lord said, "They wander in their hearts just like they do with their feet, and they refuse to learn My ways." My heart grieved over them so I decreed: They will never enter into the calmly rest of My Spirit.' This is found in Hebrews 3:10-11, and I have shared this scripture with you previously. 

Please read this below then I will continue...

Joshua 2:9-14

And she said to the men, I know that the Lord has given you the land and that your terror is fallen upon us and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you.

10 For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites who were on the [east] side of the Jordan, Sihon, and Og, whom you utterly destroyed.

11 When we heard it, our hearts melted, neither did spirit or courage remain anymore in any man because of you, for the Lord your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath.

12 Now then, I pray you, swear to me by the Lord, since I have shown you kindness, that you also will show kindness to my father’s house, and give me a sure sign,

13 And save alive my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all they have, and deliver us from death.

14 And the men said to her, Our lives for yours! If you do not tell this business of ours, then when the Lord gives us the land we will deal kindly and faithfully with you.


So, let's take a look at verse 9. The two things that stand out immediately are your terror is fallen upon us. Absolutely amazing, isn't it? Think about it. Beyond just reading words. This is what the Holy Spirit helps us do. He helps us see what God is really trying to tell us. That is why the Word of God is ALIVE. It isn't just words on a page as so many who seem to read it and get nothing out of it. The Word is the life of God. It teaches you His ways, His character, His truth, etc... Jesus was the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus is still alive, resurrected from the dead. Death could not keep him. Meditate on this, 'God came to earth to die so that you could live.' That one statement makes me cry crocodile tears.

The point is literally 40 years later and even before the walls of Jericho fell, Rahab (who was in Jesus' genealogy) is telling these men who scaled the walls to spy out Jericho the city that, 'the terror of you has fallen upon us'. Also, she says, 'all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you'. First, let's ask ourselves this question. Without Television, cell phones, social media, texting, e-mails, and the like, how on earth did Rahab and those who lived inside the walls of Jericho even know about Joshua and his people, let alone fear them the way that they did? Obviously, because there were supernatural events that were told far and wide and got back to the people. 

Back in those days, it would have been a traveler or two that came by and told them these things, but what I want you to see is that the people of Jericho with their walls thick enough to ride several chariots in a row across the top at one time were terrified of God's people. Why? Because they had heard the fame of what the Lord had done with, through, and for His people. That is you and me. We are God's people. They are supposed to fear us, not walk all over us. They should have had more stories from us through the years about the things God had done in our own lives, but instead, religion and politics taught us that we were like worms that didn't deserve anything and that our God was dead, and we were supposed to sit down, shut up, live broke, busted and disgusted and simply do your duty by going to church and sitting in a pew. Don't ruffle feathers. Christians don't belong in Politics. You can't even imagine how many people I hear this from, but Kings and Rulers were the Politicians of those days. God was always involved and sent prophets to stand up. Today is not different. We now have over 8 billion people in our world, so we most definitely need more prophetic voices, right? How else will God tell them or warn them?

I call these types of Christians, Christmas Christians. People that never take time for the Lord all year, but feel they've done Him some service when they show up to a building on Christmas or Easter. Those same people that blame God for everything negative in their lives yet pat themselves on the back if anything good happens to or for them. We all know them. Some of us were them at one time and hopefully after all this time of sharing with you the Lord has moved upon your heart and is helping you to see who He really is and wants to be in your life.

In verse 10 Rahab tells them what they have heard and shares why they were afraid of them. Then in 11 she says, "When we heard it, our hearts melted, neither did spirit or courage remain anymore in any man because of you, for the Lord your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath." Again, I say amazing. She isn't just talking about herself. She lives within this fortress called Jericho and yet she's had conversations. She heard what people were saying and she knows that the people inside Jericho not only fainted because of the people, but they knew the biggest thing of all. For the Lord your God, He is God in Heaven above and on the earth beneath. She didn't reference Baal, Satan, Jezebel or any other supposed god, but they knew the truth, that the Great I Am is the one in Heaven and God over all the earth.

She then takes it all a step further. I know I keep saying this, but I want it to impact you. She resides inside a Fortress City called Jericho with walls built so thick that you could run several Chariots over it at the same time. They had their own army that kept watch day and night and yet Rahab knew that her only chance for herself and her family to survive what she knew was coming was to plead with God's people and offer to help them if they would help her and save her entire family. They then promise her they will, and Rahab pulls through for them keeping her word. We must realize that at any time she could have gone to the armed forces of men inside Jericho and turned these men who had scaled the walls to spy on her city in. She could have told the truth when she was asked if she'd seen them, but she decided on her own to hide them and protect them. She could see the writing on the wall. She knew which side she wanted to be on, and it was on the God of Heaven and Earth's side. She could have done countless other things because she hadn't been promised anything at this point from these men, but she feared Jehovah more than those in Leadership or the armed forces of her own city. 

As I mentioned before Rahab is an interesting character in the Bible. She is known as a harlet, and many just ignore her story, brushing her aside or condemning her, but the truth is Rahab is in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. He was not ashamed to list her name as a relative, so we have to stop looking at people's outward appearance. God looks upon the heart. He redeems and uses whomever He wants to to bring about His plans and purposes in our lives and in the earth that He created. He is our Redeemer. 

I pray that this particular story will help you to see that when God is with you no one can stand against you. When people truly know you are God's chosen, they should have a respect or reverence for you rather than walk all over you.  When people can truly see that God is in you and works through you, they will want you on their side. The terror of YOU (God with you and in you) will give you great favor, but you must step out of the superficial and into the supernatural to experience this. There is no more time for sitting on the fence. God has said this over and over in the prophetic words through Julie Green. Be like Rahab and do whatever you need to do to save your family from the things yet to come.

In His Image,

Sheryl York

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