The Great Pretender - Blog

 Just yesterday I was sharing something with a friend that many may not understand right now. So, guess what? I am going to share it with you Once I shared what I felt to tell him, he remembered a story in the Bible that reminded him of what I was saying. A story that I had never personally read. It is short, but I will copy and paste it here below and then hope that you will understand the point of this particular e-mail.

1 Samuel 21:10-13 says 

10 David arose and fled that day from Saul and went to Achish king of Gath.

11 The servants of Achish said to him, Is not this David, the king of the land? Did they not sing one to another of him in their dances: Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

12 David took these words to heart and was much afraid of Achish king of Gath.

13 And he changed his behavior before them, and pretended to be insane in their [Philistine] hands, and scribbled on the gate doors, and drooled on his beard.

The phrase I will be talking about in this writing is 'pretended to be insane'. For those of you who have either heard or seen my previous podcasts or received my e-mails, you know that I have often mentioned that the things you are seeing right now in our world are not what they seem to be. The truth is still being hidden from you. Although the media has fallen greatly, they still do have a stranglehold on some of the population not only in the US but also throughout the world. These Propaganda machines work 24/7 to control your mind, keep you depressed and outraged and simply deceive you at every turn. You cannot see things as they are unless you look into the Spirit. Remember what Jesus said to Thomas in John 20:29 Jesus said to him, Because you have seen Me, Thomas, do you now believe (trust, have faith)? Blessed and happy and to be envied are those who have never seen Me and yet have believed and adhered to and trusted and relied on Me. 

The point Jesus was trying to make is that others believed even without seeing, but Thomas refused to believe unless he saw it for himself. Where is the faith in that after walking with Jesus and all that he witnessed for 3 1/2 years? We live in a natural world that was created by a Supernatural God. Therefore, God's Super is always OVER our natural. You cannot look at things in the natural and rely on your own understanding, but if you take the time God will show you the miraculous things that He has and still is doing behind the scenes. He wants you to know that He is working behind the scenes to restore this Nation. Actually, a better phrase would be to birth a new Nation not under the deception of the Luciferian Globalists and Government that has controlled our Country since before President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, but a new Nation under God. 

I thought of several other stories, but to keep this shorter I think I'll just stick with David. Fear does crazy things to people as we read about with David, but there are many different types of fear. The Fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7), fear of pain, fear of death, fear of the Devil, etc...  What I am going to share with you is that this is a show. I know, I know. You are saying, how can you say that? People are dying, hurting, starving, etc... Yes, and I hate ALL OF IT as does God and that is why He is going to rescue us. As humans, we have free will and make choices to side with good or evil. What I mean by a show is that there are actors playing a part right now. It's not a comedy. We are in very serious times. The first person I want to bring to your attention is VP Mike Pence who is pretending and doing a great job of it. Many feel he betrayed us, Trump, and our Country, but I have been saying they are wrong for quite a while now. It took a while for me to get confirmation, but Mike Pence is not a bad guy. He is playing a role that I believe both God and Donald Trump asked him to play. He wanted the Deep State to think he was on their side and against Trump. He is actually for Trump, for America, and trying to save us all and has sacrificed his name, family, and political career knowing things that we were not aware of that had stolen our Country, our financial system, our health, etc.... I admit I struggled at first myself trying to think good of him after the whole January 6th thing, but God kept on me about his role in this, and then FINALLY confirmation started coming from the Prophetic people that I listen to, and I was on cloud 9.  Not because I have to be right, but c'mon, everyone wants to believe that they can truly hear the voice of their Father. Right?

Below I will list several of the prophetic words spoken specifically about Mike Pence that helped me to be completely at peace with what God had been showing me was true and He was saying the same thing to others as well.

MIKE PENCE... 5 prophecies

  • My son Mike Pence will be President himself once Donald Trump finishes the terms that I have called and anointed him for.
  • Pence will be back in the news once again. Things aren't how they appear to be. Soon you will see more covert positions come out into the spotlight to reveal what had to play out to bring down the plan of the globalists. There are people, My children, who agreed to sacrifice for the greater good. Don't be quick to judge what you see. Some things aren't really as they might seem to be. So watch! Many things will start changing before your eyes, saith the Lord.
  • You will hear more news regarding Mike Pence. You will soon see what My plans were and why things had to be this way. Pray for him and his family as the news breaks regarding the truth. The enemies will find out which side he was really on and how his actions didn't help them but ensured their destruction, and they will try to destroy this reversal.
  • Pence will be in your news again. My children, I have told you before, things are not how they appear to be. I will show you the truth and vindicate his name. Many lies have been told, things done behind closed doors, and decisions had to be made. He is a hero, not a villain. He chose to obey when others wouldn't have done what I asked him to do. You may not understand this now because of what you see, My children, but you also are not supposed to walk by sight. Stop listening to a lie.
  • My Trump and Pence will sound retroactive restoration in this land. Arise, United States, as this is your time to shine, saith the Lord of Hosts.

It makes me cry just to re-read over these prophetic words about him. He is a hero, not a villain. How many of us could have sacrificed everything as he and his family have to save our Nation?

Now I have one more that I would like to share, and I think this will be even harder for many because he is out in full force trashing Trump, saying he should be indicted, etc.... Yes, I am talking about former Attorney General Bill Barr. Before Bill Barr stepped down, he did one thing that showed me he was most definitely on Trump's side. He set John Durham up to continue investigating the entire Russia Collusion hoax and gave him greater abilities than other investigators had knowing full well that with another Administration coming in the first thing they would want to do was get rid of Durham and any investigation against HRC, Obama, FBI, etc... Bill Barr made it so rock solid right before he walked out the door that this fake Administration CANNOT terminate or stop him or his investigations which still continue a year and a half later. 

About a year ago I was really struggling with believing Bill Barr could possibly be on God's side, but then it blew my mind to find that a man that we highly respect had a dream that he shared in a book. Many don't realize that many years ago that is what I did. I taught dream interpretation, so I knew immediately what God was saying in his dream. I had not heard the dream prior because he'd had it before I even heard of him, and the only reason I did hear about it was because he shared it in one of his books. Apparently right around the time Bill Barr stepped down he'd been given a dream, and in the dream, God called Bill Barr, Mordecai Barr. What? I was blown away. In fact, I was so overjoyed I was jumping for Again, I already felt that God was telling me personally that Bill Barr was a good guy making a sacrifice and now I was actually getting confirmation. Those who aren't in the Word all the time won't know what I am even sharing here, but Mordecai is found in the book of Esther. He is her uncle, and he finds out that Haman (2nd man under the King) hates him so much that he's put out a decree to have all of the Jews killed.

(Side note: sound familiar? There truly is nothing new under the sun. The evil just gets repackaged and tries again)

Haman was so evil that he literally wanted all the Jews killed just because Mordecai would not bow down to him. Mordecai secretly calls on Esther to go to her husband the King and plead for the life of the Jewish people. At the fear of her own death, Esther does what her uncle Mordecai asks of her and saves the Jewish people and a Nation. What was God saying in this dream? Like Mordecai of the Bible, Bill Barr is a good guy who is doing things secretly behind the scenes to save a Nation and God's people. We have an amazing Father who works behind the scenes in our lives whether we always believe He is or not. He may only use a few people to work His plan, but those who are saved by His plan and the obedience of the ones He chose will know when it is time to know and will see that only God could have done this for us. Man cannot save us. Only God can and yet He also uses men and women to do the things necessary to bring it to pass as He did Moses, Joseph, Joshua, etc...

Now I will share the confirmation prophecies that I have heard and written down since I first began to believe it myself. I can barely see through the tears while writing this today because most of us don't even know or understand what we are being saved from. Unlike the Israelites who knew they were in slavery because of how they were treated and chained and forced to work etc... We have not understood that they just repackaged slavery and because we had a sense of freedom, we thought we were better off, but dear ones, the truth is you've been a slave for years and you didn't even know it. I hope that if you get ANYTHING out of this writing today you will understand how much God loves you, this Country and the people of the World. This time He is not only saving the Israelites from Egyptian Tyranny and slavery. He is saving you and me and countless others in the world.  You will begin to see the truth more and more, but you must allow yourselves to look beyond the natural.

BILL BARR... 3 prophecies
  • AG Bill Barr, the truth will soon be revealed about you: clearing it up for the American people; why you did certain things; why you didn’t stand for their freedoms. Yes, I will vindicate your name, show what needed to be done in that time for all of this to take place, clear your name and show the covert assignment that needed to happen to save them.
  • Bill Barr will be in the news. Watch and listen for what he is about to say. He will give a hint to you, My children, to let you know whose side he is really on. Some have played parts in these chess moves that had to look like they were playing for a different side when they were actually playing on Mine.
  • AG Barr, the whole world will know who you really are and which side you were on the whole time.

Although the Lord did speak to me about both of these men, I am not sharing a prophetic word the Lord gave to me personally about them. The Lord doesn't always share things with me in the form of a prophetic word. Sometimes I am given dreams that I have to interpret, sometimes I get things from reading scriptures and then there are times when I simply see things in the Spirit or hear things when I am in prayer. It's too hard to explain, but I have heard several prophetic voices speak about Mike Pence and Bill Barr now confirming what I already knew to be true. I did not add all the words I've heard about this here because I am trying to keep this shorter. I am only sharing what I heard through 2 prophetic voices that I have tested the spirit on myself. I have copied and pasted them here believing that you might want to read exactly what the Lord said. I hope it encourages you in this difficult season we are in.

In closing, I'll bet you're asking about my subject line 'The Great Pretender'. I am sharing this with you because I believe that like David acting differently because of fear we have several people who are acting differently right now because they are fearful of what would happen to our Country and our World if they did not do what they believed in their hearts God was asking them to do or what would ultimately benefit the people of the world. If not for God's protection many of these precious servants (including Trump and his family) would have been killed by the Globalists already. 

Don't let a boxed-in religious mindset tell you that God is dead and done with America or His people around the world and that He would never use people in this way. Matthew 10:16 says Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Even Esther was not who she said she was. Her uncle Mordecai told her to use a different name so that she would not be known as a Jew. He gave her a fighting chance among a lot of other young women and the King chose her over them all but, in those days, might have rejected her if he'd known she was a Jew. Esther's real name was Hadassah. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please feel free to respond and share. We are in the 9th month. A birthing month is upon us and so are God's holy days (Rosh Hashanah begins on the 25th) and we are expecting HUGE things and if I can get even one of you to look beyond the things you see in the natural and put all your trust and faith in God who is the Super OVER our natural then my taking the time to write you today is all worth it. Keep expecting because God is doing some awesome things.

In His Image,
Sheryl York


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