30 Powerful Women (An inspiration of the Lord)


  • Receive your promise from the Lord defying all of the norms like Sarah did. (Genesis 21) 
  • Be courageous as you step into the new life God has called you to like Rebekah did. (Genesis 24)
  • Accept the honor and blessing of your beauty like Rachel did. (Genesis 29)
  • Dance, write songs, and sing unto the Lord like Miriam did. (Exodus 15) 
  • Declare your rights to all God has for you like the daughters of Zelophehad did. (Numbers 36)
  • Stand with the Lord and save your entire family from destruction like Rahab did. (Joshua 6)
  • Be a mother in Israel. Counsel, judge disputes, and deliver God's people like Deborah did. (Judges 4 & 5)
  • Give it your all to take out the enemy and fulfill prophecy like Jael did. (Judges 4)
  • Teach the younger generations strength in submission like Naomi did. (Ruth)
  • Be lifted out of obscurity and poverty to a place of influence like Ruth was. (Ruth)
  • Pour out your soul before the Lord and receive exactly what you asked for like Hannah did. (1 Samuel 1)
  • Be a woman of nobility and character who stands in the gap and intercedes like Abigail did. (1 Samuel 25)
  • Become royalty like Bath-Sheba who not only became the wife of a King, but the mother of a King as well. (2 Samuel 11)
  • Give out of your wealth into the Kingdom which shows your true beauty like the Queen of Sheba did. (1 Kings)
  • Out of great sacrifice receive the fulfillment of a Prophet's promise like the widow of Zarephath did. (1 Kings)
  • Build a retreat for those who are traveling and doing a work for the Lord like the Shunamite woman did. (2 Kings)
  • Be willing to sacrifice it all and even push through fear of death to save your people like Esther did. (Esther)
  • Become that virtuous woman whose husband is known in the city gates and whose children rise and call her blessed. (Proverbs 31)
  • As the favor of God searches you out allow the Holy Spirit to completely overtake you like Mary did. (Luke 1)
  • Live like you are blessed among women and the fruit of your womb will also be blessed like Elizabeth did. (Luke 1)
  • Live a long full life of dedication and see the promise of God born (Jesus) like Anna did. (Luke 2)
  • Always be willing to choose that good part by sitting at the feet of Jesus like Mary (Martha's sister) did. (Luke 10)
  • Continue to worship and keep praying even when it appears Jesus isn't listening. Be the only woman to ever hear 'O Woman, great is your faith like the Canaanite woman did. (Matthew 15)
  • Turn from carnal living and drink in the living water that only comes through Jesus like the Samaritan woman did. (John 4)
  • Be willing to serve Jesus even when people turn against Him, leave Him, and don't believe the resurrection like Mary Magdalene did. (John 20)
  • Recognize when God is speaking and be quick to warn those you love even if they refuse to listen like Pilat's wife did. (Matthew 27)
  • Be a woman loved by many and known for good deeds so that even if you were to pass you could experience God's resurrection power like Dorcas (Tabitha) did. (Acts 9)
  • In a time of great persecution continue to teach and spread the Gospel like Priscilla did. (Acts 18)
  • Be commended as a sister and deaconess of the church who is known for being a helper of many like Phoebe was. (Romans 16)
  • Be like Eunice and Lois who epitomized training up a child in the way he should go and gave the world a Timothy. (11 Timothy)

A writing by:
Sheryl L. York
December 27, 2022


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